Presentation of the book “The network of Italian freight villages” at Pordenone Legge

On September 20, 2024, the book “The network of Italian freight villages” was presented during the international fair Pordenone Legge. Curated by Gianfranco De Angelis, Secretary General of Unione Interporti Riuniti, and Francesca Cesarale from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, the book provides an overview of the national logistics system, highlighting intermodal nodes as […]
Workshop “Forest and environmental design for public bodies: technical and practical aspects” at UNIPD

On May 8, 2024, as part of the “Analysis and Evaluation of Environmental Goods and Services” course, taught by Professor Paola Gatto in the “Forest and Environmental Sciences” degree program, we held a workshop at Agripolis, the University of Padua campus, to present technical and practical aspects related to forest and environmental design for public […]
Visit to the Hupac terminal in Busto Arsizio

On 26 September 2023 a visit to the Hupac Group terminal in Busto Arsizio took place involving Interporto Pordenone S.p.A. The purpose of the meeting was to gather practical experiences and food for thought for the development of new projects related to intermodality and logistics in the intermodal hub of Pordenone.
International workshop for sustainable mobility and logistics organized by FinPiemonte

The international online workshop “Zero emission mobility in Piedmont and Italy – challenges and opportunities for companies and operators in the logistic sector” was held on 19th October 2022. It was organized by FinPiemonte and the Piedmont Region with the aim of bringing together representatives of institutions, research entities and businesses to discuss the state […]
Fourth event of MOVEO held in Rome

On 11th October 2022, the fourth and final appointment of the cycle of meetings with mobility and logistics stakeholders promoted by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility was held on the LUISS campus in Rome to discuss intermodality in support of a sustainable and competitive logistics. The meeting was the opportunity to present and […]
Third MOVEO event held in Florence

The third appointment of the cycle of meetings with mobility and logistics stakeholders, promoted by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, was held on 17th July 2022 to discuss intermodality in support of sustainable and competitive logistics. The discussion focused, this time, on cities and on future challenges for sustainable mobility of both goods […]
Second MOVEO event held in Naples

The second appointment of the cycle of meetings with mobility and logistics stakeholders, promoted by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, was held on 13rd July 2022 to discuss intermodality in support of sustainable and competitive logistics. Five working tables were set up, including one dedicated to modal change in which incentives and regulation […]
Support to IFEL within the BLUE CROWFUNDING project

The support activity for IFEL for the implementation of the BLUE CROWFUNDING project, funded by the Interreg MED Program, ended on 30th June 2022.As part of the project, we held a cycle of six meetings aimed at officials of the Campania Region, in which, starting from the general context of the blue economy and its […]
Workshop held at UNIPD

On 18 May, as part of the degree course in forestry and environmental sciences held by Prof. Paola Gatto, a workshop on the freelance profession took place at Agripolis, campus of the University of Padua, during which aspects and practical ideas derived from the experience of working with the public administration were presented: from the […]
Final award ceremony of the #SmartBikeRoute challenge organized by CAV

The final of the Smart Bike Route contest, which was organized by CAV SpA and was open to students of H-FARM, was held on April 29th at the CAV premises. During the event, the four competing groups intervened to present their proposal for the creation of an app to better enjoy and optimize the experience […]