Fuelling ideas, implementing projects

Studioballarin started in 2009 to provide advices and consultancy to both private and public bodies in the economic and environment sector. In this purpose it was immediately oriented to the identification of the most efficient way to develop projects and exploiting funds available within the different programming periods.
Since 2009 it further evolved by implementing more specialized services in the main fields described, thus contributing to collect a huge amount of funds.

Studioballarin is supporting 360 services following the whole set of steps of development of a project: from the identification of the best Programme where to fund a specific action, to the definition of the project, from the general management to its technical and financial reporting.

Main objective
Develop tailor made solutions thus developing ideas and tools to efficiently manage good projects.

Main activities
Studioballarin worked on several Programmes financed by the EU such as Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), Interreg programmes, LIFE … obtaining over 34 million euro of funds, with particular focus on the following themes:

  • Infrastructures
  • Logistics and multimodal services and solutions
  • Environment and transport
  • Sustainable mobility
  • Dialogue between territory and infrastructures
  • Rural development and renewable energies
  • Sustainable and smart growth

Understanding, evaluating and designing tailor-made solutions according to the infinite variables that usually need to be faced. Studioballarin makes available for its customers experience and competences in several sectors by producing studies, projects and technical-economic reports supporting projects realted to primary sector and to the interaction between territory and the main infrastructural networks.

Main objective
The aim it is to efficiently answer to development and innovation needs of both private and public companies.

Main activities

  • Feasibility studies
  • Projecting solutions for public and private green areas
  • Technical-economic analysis investment sustainability in green projects
  • Environmental reports, financial-economic reports and Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Reports estimating values of land, buildings, firms and damages
  • Studies on sustainable mobility
  • Study and interpretation of territorial databases

After the conclusion of the formal experience at university, Studioballarin continuously developed contacts and collaborations with research institutes and training centres, thus making available experience to organize and manage events, seminars and workshops in different kind of training activities.

Main objective
Efficiently transferring and sharing competences acquired with professional experience and growth.

Main activities

  • Organization of events on the themes developed in the professional experience
  • Presenting speeches during dedicated seminars and events.
  • Moderator in workshops and round tables
  • Supporting realization of master thesis
  • Organization of studies, research and surveys